CCB, spol. s r. o.

Publishing house CCB, Ltd., with its own printing house, DTP studio and web service, has been producing top professional magazines and printed matter in many fields since 1991.

Golf Magazine and Associated Projects:

Golf - the only Czech and Slovak golf monthly, media partner, the Czech Golf Federation (how to play, where to play, with what to play, photo reportage) - golf guidepost with links to domestic and world golf and the Internet pages of the Golf magazine
Golf News / Golfové noviny - the Golf magazine's electronic weekly with up-to-date news from the world of golf (news, tournaments, players, clubs, golf bazaar)

IT Business Edition:

IT Systems - monthly about business information systems (ERP, CRM, APS/SCM, EAM, GIS...)
SystemOnLine - the IT Systems magazine's portal, on-line overviews of business information systems, a rich archive of articles
SystemNEWS - electronic weekly about news in the field of business information technology
SystemDVD - DVD insert in the IT Systems magazine
CAD - bimonthly about CA.. and GIS technology - the CAD magazine's Internet portal
CADnews - electronic bi-monthly about CAD, CAE, CAM and GIS
Brno Business - the prestigious magazine from Brno's entrepreneurial environment - the Brno Business magazine's portal, a rich archive of articles, links to interesting pages about Brno and its surroundings
iBrno NEWS - Brněnské Obchodní Noviny - electronic weekly about current social and business events in Brno and its surroundings

Technology and Industry:

Technika a trh (Technology and the Market) - a magazine about trends and news in industry and technology
T+T News - electronic weekly about the Technika a trh magazine


ELC - electronic educational centre

Our Production Capacity

The production of magazines and other external orders are carried out in our own DTP studio and printing house. The Internet versions of magazines are realized in the Webservis department, which offers the outsourcing of web services.

Contact Us

CCB, spol. s r.o.
Okružní 19
638 00   Brno
Czech Republic
tel: +420-545 222 461
fax: +420-545 222 499

More contacts

webové a grafické studio © CCB 2024